Yours Queerly

Artists: Benjamin Baker, Aaron Billings, Jay Davies, Lola-Mae Pink, Zara Sully and Brooke Van Der Linden

Curator: Zara Sully and Brooke Van Der Linden

Yours, Queerly brings together a group of artists who identify within the Queer spectrum and work with textile-based media. Yours, Queerly draws upon an affinity between the human body and textiles. The spectral of approaches range from the impersonal and universal to the personal and auto-biographical. This exhibition draws on the rich history of history of textiles while going beyond contemporary conventions through performative, experimental and installation-based approaches. The textiles themselves, including reclaimed linens and digitally printed synthetics, take on progressive and object-based forms. The role of textiles in contemporary art is no longer feminine, it is queered.