Alex Davern 'Eric Wurms Bar' (2024) FINAL_AlexDavern_EricWurmsBar.jpg

Alex Davern 'Eric Wurms Bar' (2024)

Amber Koroluk-Stephenson 'Dawning, After Dora Maar' (2024) Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 6.25.57 pm.png

Amber Koroluk-Stephenson 'Dawning, After Dora Maar' (2024)

Angela Casey 'Nobody Wants Hard Cash These Days' (2024) FINAL_AngelaCasey_TheseDays.jpg

Angela Casey 'Nobody Wants Hard Cash These Days' (2024)

Benjamin Baker 'If I Make Myself Easy to Carry' (2024) smaller FINAL_BenjaminBaker_if I make myself easy to carry copy.jpg

Benjamin Baker 'If I Make Myself Easy to Carry' (2024)

Bianca Templar 'Guided by the Stars' (2024) 4.jpg

Bianca Templar 'Guided by the Stars' (2024)

Bonnie Starick 'Kelp' (2024) FINAL_BonnieStarick_Kelp.jpg

Bonnie Starick 'Kelp' (2024)

Chee Yong 'Landscape Abstraction' (2024) FINAL_CheeYong_LandscapeAbstraction.jpg

Chee Yong 'Landscape Abstraction' (2024)

Clara Martin 'Prayer from a Single Bed at Midnight' (2024) FINAL_ClaraMartin-Prayer from a Single Bed at Midnight.jpg

Clara Martin 'Prayer from a Single Bed at Midnight' (2024)

Emily-Rose Wills 'Strawberry Fields' (2024) FINAL_EmilyRoseWills_StrawberryFields.jpg

Emily-Rose Wills 'Strawberry Fields' (2024)

Emma Magnusson-Reid 'A Book to Read to Your Loved Ones' (2024) Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 8.49.41 pm.png

Emma Magnusson-Reid 'A Book to Read to Your Loved Ones' (2024)

Fernando do Campo 'The Companion Companion Reader (WHOSLAUGHINGNOWJACKASS)' (2024) FINAL_FernandodoCampo_CompanionReader.jpg

Fernando do Campo 'The Companion Companion Reader (WHOSLAUGHINGNOWJACKASS)' (2024)

Jo Chew 'The Optimist, The Fool' (2024)

Jo Chew 'The Optimist, The Fool' (2024)

Joel Croswell 'Untitled' (2024) FINAL_JoelCrosswell_Untitled.jpg

Joel Croswell 'Untitled' (2024)

Julie Gough '21 March 1827' (2024) FINAL_JulieGough_21March1827.jpg

Julie Gough '21 March 1827' (2024)

Katie Barron 'Funeral for a Name' (2024) FINAL_KatieBarron_Funeralforaname_A2.jpg

Katie Barron 'Funeral for a Name' (2024)

Lex Palmer Bull 'Vestibular' (2024) Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 8.31.35 pm.png

Lex Palmer Bull 'Vestibular' (2024)

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Liam James 'On a Foreign Sea' (2024)

Neil Haddon 'Nothing a Human Heart' (2024) FINAL_NeildHaddon_NothingAHeart.jpg

Neil Haddon 'Nothing a Human Heart' (2024)

Olly Read 'Untitled' (2024) FINAL_OllyRead_Untitled.jpg

Olly Read 'Untitled' (2024)

Robert O'Connor 'Blimey' (2024) Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 8.33.35 pm.png

Robert O'Connor 'Blimey' (2024)

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Rod Gardner 'Always Launceston' (2024)

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Sarah Rhodes 'Colleen' (2024)

Tony Curran 'Demist' (2024) Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 8.35.15 pm.png

Tony Curran 'Demist' (2024)

Tricky Walsh 'The Occupant' (2024) FINAL_TrickyWalsh_theoccupant.jpg

Tricky Walsh 'The Occupant' (2024)

Troy Ruffels 'Weeping Tree' (2024) Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 8.36.30 pm.png

Troy Ruffels 'Weeping Tree' (2024)

Zara Sully 'Weeds' (2024) FINAL_ZaraSully_Weeds.jpg

Zara Sully 'Weeds' (2024)
