November at Sawtooth
Front Gallery
Dance Like Everybody Is Watching
Alan Young (TAS)
People (2015), acrylic and oil stick on canvas, 140 x 120cm. Courtesy of the artist.
Dance Like Everybody Is Watching was officially opened by Jane Wardlaw at Sawtooth, Friday October 30.
Middle gallery
Tell A Tale (21C Thematic Apperception Test)
Tasmanian Gothic (TAS)
Digital print on paper (2015), 50 x 50cm. Courtesy of the artist.
new media gallery
Worlds Apart
Darryl Rogers (TAS)
Marathon #1 (2015), digital image. Courtesy of the artist.
Project space
Curator: Karen Hall (TAS)
Artists: Jennifer Brown (TAS), Caroline Heine (TAS), Patrick Sutczak (TAS)
Curator/Artist Talk:
November 14, 11am at Sawtooth ARI
Untitled (2015), digital photograph. Courtesy of Patrick Sutczak.
@Sawtooth pop-up space
Fionnbharr Pfeiffer (VIC)
Fionnbharr Pfeiffer (2013). Courtesy of Bianca Milani of An Architect Photographed My Undies.