Liz Braid

fighting the wind and little demons

"This body of work is an exploration of weather patterns and their effect on both the external landscape and our interior worlds. It seems to form a path between a sense of self and beauty of place, creating a quiet hum of dissonance. On the weekend that Tasmania opened its borders I was driving eastwards, away from the pull of the north-west, toward the summery coast. Winding down to that line where deep blue kisses the white sand, it was windy and hot and almost apocalyptic. For a moment it was as if the weather was passing through my skin, and swirling through my head and heart, blowing eddies and patterns around my interior world. And so began this visual exploration of these two domains, separated only by the thin paper of my porous skin. Over the months that followed, living and working beside a bend in the bubbling Cam river, surrounded by goats and gardens and orchards, these patterns of weather and skin and heart, have found their way onto paper and mixed media. The result is this series titled - fighting the wind and little demons."