Dying Light - Wesley Miles

28th January - 19th March 2022

"I think engines are cool. It took me a while to realise that.

So let’s see how many engines I can get running and put on display with some (self-destructive) clear cylinder heads so you can see the internal combustion. Five. Which in itself isn’t much, but considering the carbon monoxide and noise and spark plugs ripping through the thread it’s probably enough. And what I don’t really want to talk about but probably should is mental health.

It’s a bit of a shame that the worlds moving away from internal combustion. Too late, or not at all. Maybe it’s not dying, maybe I’m not either.

The Environment is fucked and it’s going to keep going that way. Technologies are getting out of the everyday person’s grasp, actively discouraging.

But fuck engines are sick."


Presented by Sawtooth ARI in association with Mona Foma.

Supported by Arts Tasmania and Mona Foma.