December at Sawtooth
Front Gallery
The Swamp
Philippe Vranjes
Sunset, 2018. Piss on printed denim, machine stitched, pillow, 15 x 70 x 190 cm.
Credit: Andrew Curtis
MIDDLE Gallery
A Slow Waltz
Amarie Bergman
Finite Volumes in Infinite Space, fabricated acrylic, seven 9cm cubes and two oblongs 9 x 5 x 9cm, 9 x 3 x 9cm 2014.
Image by Shannon Morris.
Project Space
The Do’s and Don’ts
Francesca Heinz
Brahmacharya (Continence) 2018, Digital collage on cotton rag. 100 x 100cm.
From the series 5 Restraints for a Female Aspirant.
Neomaterial Girl X Venus
Isabella Darcy & Vanessa Howells
Authentic Obsession, 2018. Courtesy of the artist.