14th October -3rd of December, 2022

Making Echoes

Nicholas Currie

First Space

I as an artist paint, perform and use my art to explore cultural and social histories, conversations and perspectives within my communities. My body is not only a tool for the application of material but as a subject, theme and reference to all aspects of my art. Labour with my art making is crucial to the forms that my mark making create to insert a visual vocabulary to themes of Indigeneity, emotional responses and larger community values.



Anna Barber

Inner Space

This project has been a process of indulging my cynical nature, working through my deep frustrations trying to define my practice, and attempting to reconcile my creative self and academic self. I preface this work by stating the following: My viewpoint is of being both inside and outside; it is layered with an undeniable feeling of contention towards certain experiences I have had as an artist and which undoubtably debilitates the clarity of my opinions. Ultimately, I was unable to take ego off the agenda in my academic outcomes for this project, nor the creative. By sharing this research and expression I am not claiming to know nor be the solution. I consider this project to be merely the starting point of a much broader critical discussion I wish to engage in. Put simply, and with little context, the literal rodeo becomes a host/metaphor through which I let loose.

Underleaf Garth

Ellen Sayers, Seth Searle, Skye Malu Baker, Veronica Charmont

Back Space

Distracted by the breathing of the trees and the growing of shoots, you may forget your initial intentions, take three turns instead of four, and find you have stumbled on the Underleaf Garth. This hidden plot, a once well-tended circle of herbs, climbers, and enclosing thickets, is now long un-groomed and rampant. A cascade of tendrils drawn aside reveals half-forgotten paths once demarked by mossy stones, now split, undefined and multiplying infinitely. The pull of these ruinous circuits leads to the pungent smell of crushed leaves and the quiet whisperings of earthworms.

Underleaf Garth is a hushed encounter with humus and stems, leaves and spores.