October at Sawtooth


Front Gallery

From Adelaide With Love Christina Peek .jpg

From Adelaide With Love

Christina Peek

From Adelaide With Love, 2018, graphite on newsprint, 10cm x 10cm. Image courtesy of the artist.

MIDDLE Gallery

Tension 19.jpg

Tension 19

Timothy Kendall Edser

Tension 19, 2018, Digital Print, 60 x 60 cm


Dark Space Gallery



Elise Bonato

Danaides, 2017-2018, High Definition digital video production still. Image courtesy of the artist.


Project Space

1. Fragment Cottage_Harriet Kossmann (web%2Fprint).jpg

Follies and Ruins

Michael Hornblow, Sarah Den Hartog, Amber Kim, Harriet Kossmann, Min Lee, Shiau Voon, Yie Yeo.

Image courtesy of the artists.



lim states 1.jpg

Oracle Bone 2: Lim States

Steven James Finch

聖誕快樂 Christmas Happy, 2018, Digital Print, A3. Photo courtesy of Bob Symons.