Clove Hitch

Artists: Katy B Plummer, Hannah Gartside, Alice Lang, David Spooner, Molly Turner and Amanda Wolf

Curator: Amanda Wolf


Clove Hitch is a group exhibition that revels in textiles as a catalyst for storytelling, fantasy, and political action. Bringing into focus the intimate gestures of stitching and dressing up, Clove Hitch uncovers an alternative discussion of the body and identity grounded in transformation, agency, and imagination. Prioritising a feminist and queer lens, this exhibition investigates the dreamscapes and experiences that can be accessed through found materials, fibre-based processes, and the artist’s body.



1. Hannah Gartside, O (2021) found tulle, found 1930s dress and silk ribbon, found silk fabrics, silk organza, leather offcuts, thread, brass rod, timber dowel rod, 320cm (H) x 229cm (W) x 211cm (D). 

2. Molly Turner, Lizard Wedding (2020- 2021) embroidered wool on fabric, 106cm x 75cm.

3. Alice Lang, Buffer Zone (2015) HD video, 7:57 mins.

4. Amanda Wolf, Slump (2018) recycled vinyl, polyester thread and stuffing, dimensions variable. 

5. Katy B Plummer, The Sea and the Shape (2020) digital video, dyed linen, dyed wool, dyed jute, pearls and fibrefill.

6.David Spooner, Slime Tigers (2021) embroidery thread, acrylic wool, fabric, acrylic paint, and polyester stuffing, dimensions variable.